Zend Framework 2 Routing Basics
An introduction to ZF2 Routing Internals

Earlier this year, I’ve had the opportunity to speak at the Italian Zfday in Milan, as well as at the Unconf of the PHPDay, the Italian conference on PHP, which is held every year in Verona. In both occasions, I introduced Zend Framework 2 Routing in a talk titled: “Full sail: easy routing with the ZF2” (original title: “Levate l’ancora: Rotte senza problemi con ZF2“). These conferences turned out to be interesting experiences, allowing me to get in touch with the Italian Zend Framework Community. From the positive feedback I have received, I’ve decided to write some blog posts about the topics that were introduced in my talks. So, here it comes this post, the first of a series about zf2 routing.
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Asset management in Zend Framework 2
A simple and effective way to manage your ZF2 project's assets: AssetManager

During the last February I’ve had the chance to be a speaker at Zend Framework Day in Italy where I made a talk about zf2 modules. I think the topics covered deserve more time and space, so this blog post is the first of a series about how to take advantage of new ZF2 modular structure. Read more…
One of the first issues a developer runs into when dealing with ZF2 modules is how to arrange assets between modules. A Web asset is simply any css file, js library, image (and generally all static files) a module needs to work properly.
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